Running the Initia Node

Once everything is set up, you can now start to run the Initia node

systemctl start initiad

Once the process is up and running, you can inspect the logs by using the journalctl command.

journalctl -f -u initiad.service

Syncing Historical Blocks

When running nodes for networks that are already live, you first need to sync and process the historical chain data. This can be done in a few main ways; snapshot syncing and StateSync

A chain snapshot sync works by downloading the entire state of the chain at a certain height and then running the node off of that states. Nodes that uses snapshots usually have more historical transaction and block data compared to nodes that use StateSync. However, in exchange, snapshot syncing is typically much slower due to more information required to be downloaded.

Information regarding Snapshot and StateSync provider for Initia can be found in the Networks page.