VIP Timelines
Gauge Voting Cycles
The Vested Interest Program always begins with a gauge voting cycle. During this cycle, Initia L1 stakers vote on the gauge weights that will determine the VIP Weight Pool rewards distribution for the next rewards stage.
The cycle consists of three phases:
- Grace Period: This phase is designated for taking and submitting a snapshot of the Initia L1 stakers’ voting power.
- Voting Period: After the voting power snapshot is submitted, users can vote on the gauge weights during this period.
- Weight Finalization Period: Once the voting period concludes, the gauge weights are finalized and will be used for the next rewards distribution stage.
Reward Distribution Stages
After the first gauge voting cycle concludes, the first reward distribution stage begins. During a stage, the individual rollup teams will begin to keep track of scores for all of their users based on their scoring criteria.
During a stage, the snapshot of each rollup’s INIT balance will also be taken and used to determine the VIP [Balance Pool] rewards. There are two ways the snapshot is done:
- For Stage 1: Two snapshots are taken: a single snapshot at the beginning of the stage to determine the VIP Balance Pool rewards for Stage 1, and multiple snapshots throughout the stage to determine the VIP Balance Pool rewards for Stage 2+.
- For Stage 2+: Multiple snapshots are taken throughout the stage to determine the VIP Balance Pool rewards for the next stage.
At the end of the stage, the scores for each user on each rollup are finalized, and the final rewards are distributed to the users.
The combined timelines of the the gauge voting cycle and rewards distribution stage then as follows:
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