Install Dependencies

Download Rollup Binary

Once we have successfully installed the core dependencies, we can download the rollup binary.

First, specify the rollup VM and version you want to use:

export VM=[vm-type] # one of "move", "wasm", or "evm"
export MINITIA_VERSION="0.2.16" # replace with other version as necessary

Next, clone the corresponding rollup Git repository:

git clone$VM.git

Once the clone is complete, navigate to the appropriate directory (minimove, miniwasm, or minievm) and check out the rollup version specified above. Finally, build the rollup CLI.

cd mini$VM
git checkout v$MINITIA_VERSION
make install

Verify the installation of the rollup image. If the process was completed successfully, the version number should match $MINITIA_VERSION:

minitiad version

Starting the Rollup

Once the minitiad CLI is functional, the following steps depends on how you want to run or test your rollup

  1. Standalone rollup (Testnet/Local Only): A minimal, streamlined setup ideal for testing rollup functionality and deploying or integrating with it. It does not include IBC or OPinit bridges. See Deploying a Standalone Rollup

  2. Run with IBC and OPinit Bots: The full rollup setup with all of the components when you want to connect to other rollups or Initia L1. See Rollup Full Deployment