In an ecosystem with a growing number of rollups, aligning the incentives of all participants is crucial. Although there have been attempts to achieve this, most encounter a few common core problems:

  • Misalignment of incentives for dApps that generate high levels of on-chain activity and value
  • Economic underutilization of the native token
  • Inefficient distribution of protocol-level grants and incentives to foster long-term value and alignment

Initia aims to address these issues for Interwoven Rollups through a novel incentive alignment mechanism known as the Vested Interest Program (VIP). This is done by programmatically rewarding valuable economic activities:

  • Rollup receive reward allocations for creating innovative apps and new use cases for the INIT token
  • Users earn INIT tokens from performing beneficial actions or meeting criteria set by the L2s.

Finally, by allocating a portion of the overall rewards directly to the rollups, the VIP program ensures that the rollup teams, its users, and INIT holders are long-term aligned with the success of the ecosystem.