Weave provides a streamlined way to configure and run OPinit Bots (executor and challenger) for your rollup.

Setting up

weave opinit init

This command will guide you through selecting the bot type (executor or challenger), configuring bot keys if needed, and setting up the bot’s configuration.

You can also specify the bot type directly:

weave opinit init executor

To setup Executor from the config file without going through the interactive setup process, use the --with-config flag together with either --generate-key-file or --key-file flags.

For example, to let Weave generate Executor’s keys for you, use the following command:

weave opinit init executor --with-config <path-to-config-file> --generate-key-file

To provide your own keys, use the following command:

weave opinit init executor --with-config <path-to-config-file> --key-file <path-to-key-file>

Available Flags


The directory to store OPinit bots data and configuration files


Path to the rollup directory that contains the rollup’s artifacts. This is useful when you are setting up OPinit bots for a rollup that you have just launched, as it can use the artifacts from the rollup to setup the bots.


Path to the rollup config file. Use this flag to setup Executor from a config file without going through the interactive setup process.


Whether to generate Executor’s keys during the setup process. Can only be used when --with-config flag is provided. Conflicts with --key-file flag.


Path to the Executor’s keys file. Can only be used when --with-config flag is provided. Conflicts with --generate-key-file flag.

Managing Keys

To modify bot keys, use the following command to either generate new keys or restore existing ones:

weave opinit setup-keys

Available Flags


The directory to store OPinit bots data and configuration files


Path to the rollup directory that contains the rollup’s artifacts. This is useful when you are setting up OPinit bots for a rollup that you have just launched, as it can use the artifacts from the rollup to setup the bots.

For Executor bot to work, Bridge Executor, Output Submitter, and Batch Submitter keys must be set up.

For Challenger bot to work, Challenger key must be set up.

For rollups with built-in oracle enabled, Oracle Executor key must be set up.

Resetting OPinit Bots

Reset Executor’s database. This will clear all the data stored in the Executor’s database (the configuration files are not affected).

weave opinit reset executor

Running OPinit Bots

weave opinit start executor

Available Flags

--detach, -d

Whether to run the Executor in the background.


To see all the available commands:

weave opinit --help