For most of the following examples in this section, we will be assuming that the guides on each page are implemented as separate functions and files under a single project directory. To set up your project, follow the steps below.


Create Directory

First, we need to create a directory to store our project files.

mkdir initia-js-quickstart && cd initia-js-quickstart

Initialize Project

Next, we need to initialize our project.

npm init && npm add -D typescript @types/node ts-node && npx tsc --init && mkdir src && echo 'async function example() { console.log("Running example!")}; example()' > src/quickstart.ts

Install InitiaJS

Now we need to install InitiaJS.

npm add @initia/initia.js

Test Installation

Once we have installed InitiaJS, we can test our installation. First, we will replace the contents of src/quickstart.ts with the following code.

import { LCDClient, Coin } from '@initia/initia.js';

const lcdUrl = '';
const lcd: LCDClient = new LCDClient(lcdUrl, {});

(async () => {
const chainId = await lcd.tendermint.chainId();

Next, we will run the script.

npx ts-node src/quickstart.ts

If you get initiation-2 as the output, then your installation was successful!