Message is a data structure that represents an action to be executed on the blockchain.

It is a part of the transaction, which is a collection of messages that are executed atomically.

This guide will show you how to create a message object for different types of actions.

VM-Agnostic Messages

VM-agnostic messages are messages that can be used across all VMs.

  • MsgSend(): send coins to other address
const msg = new MsgSend(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu',   // sender address
    'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np',   // recipient address
    '1000uinit'                                      // send amount
  • MsgDelegate(): delegate governance coin to validators (staking)
const msg = new MsgDelegate(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // delegator address
    'init18sj3x80fdjc6gzfvwl7lf8sxcvuvqjpvcmp6np', // validator's operator addres
    '100000uinit',                                 // delegate amount

VM-Specific Messages


  • MsgExecute(): execute move contract entry functions
const msg = new MsgExecute(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
    '0x1',                                         // module owner address
    'dex',                                         // module name
    'swap_script',                                 // function name
    [],                                            // type arguments
        bcs.address().serialize('0x2').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
        bcs.address().serialize('0x3').toBase64(), // arguments, BCS-encoded
        bcs.u64().serialize(10000).toBase64()      // arguments, BCS-encoded


  • MsgStoreCode(): store wasm contract code
const wasmByteCode = fs
      .readFileSync('./wasm-modules/miniwasm/example.wasm') // path of wasm file

const msg = new MsgStoreCode(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
    wasmByteCode,                                  // raw or gzip compressed wasm bytecode
    undefined                                      // instantiate permission (optional)
  • MsgInstantiateContract(): instantiate wasm contract
const instantiateMsg = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ init_list: ['init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu'] })).toString('base64')

const msg = new MsgInstantiateContract(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // admin address
    9,                                             // code id
    'example',                                     // label
    instantiateMsg,                                // instantiate msg
    new Coins(),                                   // init funds
  • MsgExecuteContract(): execute wasm contract functions
const jsonEncodedMsg = Buffer.from(
        prepare_point: {
          stage: 1,

const msg = new MsgExecuteContract(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu',                     // sender address
    'init1jue5rlc9dkurt3etr57duutqu7prchqrk2mes2227m52kkrual3qdrydg6', // contract address
    jsonEncodedMsg,                                                    // json encoded input msg
    new Coins()                                                        // coins transferred to the contract on execution


  • MsgCreate(): create EVM contract code
const contractInfo = JSON.parse(
      '../solidity/evm-example/artifacts/contracts/example.sol/example.json' // path of build response

const msg = new MsgCreate(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu', // sender address
    contractInfo.bytecode.slice(2)                 // hex encoded raw contract bytes code
  • MsgCall(): execute EVM contract functions
const contractAddress = '0x1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu'
const contractInfo = JSON.parse(
      '../solidity/evm-example/artifacts/contracts/example.sol/example.json' // path of build response
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractInfo.abi)

const msg = new MsgCall(
    'init1kdwzpz3wzvpdj90gtga4fw5zm9tk4cyrgnjauu',                      // sender address
    contractAddress,                                                    // contract address
    contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('preparePoint', [2]).slice(2) // hex encoded execution input bytes