
Update Fee Token with ERC20 Token

You may want to use an ERC20 token as the Fee Token instead of the tokens issued by the Cosmos Bank module.

To achieve this, you can update the chain parameter of the EVM module to set the Fee Token as an ERC20 token.

Use validator (admin) account to update the chain parameter.

The deployed ERC20 token must inherit the InitiaERC20 contract.

import {
} from "@initia/initia.js";

 * main() demonstrates how to update EVM-related chain parameters (such as fee denom, allowed publishers, etc.).
 * Note: This requires the mnemonic for the chain’s operator(a.k.a validator), which you must obtain from the chain administrator.
async function main() {
   * 1) Instantiate a RESTClient using the chain’s RPC endpoint.
   *    - The first argument is the base URL or RPC endpoint of your chain.
   *    - The second argument is an object providing client options like gas prices.
   *    For example:
   *    "" 
   *    is a special endpoint in this context (provided by NewMetric).
  const client = new RESTClient(
       * gasPrices: '0GAS'
       *   - This can be set to '0GAS' if the chain you’re using allows 0 gas prices or free transactions
       *     for certain operations (testnet or specific config).
       *   - In production or other networks, you usually set this to something like "0.025<feeDenom>" or
       *     whatever fee denom and minimum gas price the network expects.
      gasPrices: '0GAS',

   * 2) Create a Wallet instance using the client and a MnemonicKey.
   *    - The MnemonicKey is derived from the chain operator's mnemonic (private key).
   *    - This wallet has permission to execute the EVM parameter update because it’s
   *      presumably the authorized validator or has the necessary roles on the chain.
  const wallet = new Wallet(
    new MnemonicKey({
       * Replace with the actual mnemonic of the chain operator or the account with
       * the authority to update EVM params. 
       * Make sure you keep this mnemonic secret.
      mnemonic: "" // enter validator mnemonic

   * 3) Construct the MsgUpdateEvmParams message.
   *    - This message tells the chain which parameters to update in the EVM module.
   *    - The first argument is the "opchild module address" or "authority address" (in bech32 format).
   *      This is the authority that is allowed to update the EVM params on chain.
   *      This is obtained from `/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts/opchild` endpoint.
   *    - Then we instantiate a new EvmParams object:
   *      @param extra_eip (array): Optional EIPs to enable
   *      @param allowed_publisher (array): Entities allowed to publish certain EVM data
   *      @param allow_custom_erc20 (boolean): Toggle for custom ERC20 tokens
   *      @param allowed_custom_erc20s (array): A list of allowed custom ERC20 addresses 
   *                                            (could be 0x or bech32, depending on chain config)
   *      @param fee_denom (string): The fee denomination on-chain (e.g. 'umin'). 
   *                                 It typically should match the chain’s native fee token.
  const msgs = [
    new MsgUpdateEvmParams(
      "init1gz9n8jnu9fgqw7vem9ud67gqjk5q4m2w0aejne", // Authority/Opchild module address
      new EvmParams(
        [], // extra_eip - e.g. ["EIP1559"] if needed
        [], // allowed_publisher - e.g. ['0x123...'] if you want certain publishers
         * allow_custom_erc20 (boolean)
         * - Determines whether custom ERC20 tokens are allowed beyond the default token factory.
         *   - If true and allowed_custom_erc20s = []:
         *       => All custom ERC20 tokens are allowed.
         *   - If true and allowed_custom_erc20s = [addr1, addr2]:
         *       => Only the tokens specified in the list [addr1, addr2] are allowed.
         *   - If false and allowed_custom_erc20s = []:
         *       => Only tokens created by the chain's token factory are allowed; no arbitrary custom tokens.
         * allowed_custom_erc20s (string[])
         * - A list of custom ERC20 addresses (0x or bech32, depending on your chain) that are permitted.
         * - This array must be considered in conjunction with allow_custom_erc20 (above).
         * - If allow_custom_erc20 = true but this is empty => all custom ERC20 tokens are allowed.
         * - If allow_custom_erc20 = true and you specify addresses => only those addresses are allowed.
         * fee_denom (string)
         * - Must be the chain's fee token; often in the format `evm/<erc20Address>` 
         *   on an EVM-compatible chain.
         * - Example: "evm/9D9c32921575Fd98e67E27C0189ED4b750Cb17C5"

   * 4) Create a MsgExecuteMessages message to execute the EVM parameter update.
   *    - This message will include the MsgUpdateEvmParams message(s) we created above.
   *    - The first argument is the wallet’s (validator’s) account address.
   *    - The second argument is an array of messages to execute.
  const executeMsg = new MsgExecuteMessages(
    wallet.key.accAddress, // must be admin address

   * 5) Create and sign the transaction with the Wallet.
   *    - This will create a transaction that includes the EVM param update message
   *      and then sign it using the wallet’s (validator’s) private key.
  const signedTx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
    msgs: [executeMsg],

   * 6) Broadcast the transaction to the chain’s REST endpoint.
   *    - This sends the signed transaction to be processed on-chain,
   *      where it will update the EVM parameters if everything is valid.
  await client.tx.broadcast(signedTx);

 * Finally, run the main() function.