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This tutorial demonstrates how to convert between an hex-based ERC20 token address and a Cosmos coin denom.


Project Setup

First, we need to create a new directory for our project.

mkdir cosmos-coin-to-erc20
cd cosmos-coin-to-erc20

Next, we will initialize the project and create a index.js file in a src directory.

npm init
touch src/index.js


For this tutorial, we will assume that we have an ERC20 token address 0x5E5f1a92eECA58053E8364630b66763aa6265Ab0 that we want to convert to a Cosmos coin denom, and then convert it back to an ERC20 token address.

First, we initialize the variable for the chain’s LCD endpoint and the ERC20 token address.

const lcdUrl = `https://lcd.minievm-2.initia.xyz`;
const erc20Address = "0x5E5f1a92eECA58053E8364630b66763aa6265Ab0"

ERC20 to Cosmos Denom

To actually do the conversion, we will be using the LCD’s /minievm/evm/v1/denoms/{contractAddress} endpoint.

// previous code
async function erc20ToCoinDenom(contractAddress) {
  const response = await fetch(`${lcdUrl}/minievm/evm/v1/denoms/${contractAddress}`);
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

If the address is a valid ERC20 token address, the response just returns the token’s Cosmos coin denom.


Cosmos Denom to ERC20 Address

To convert a Cosmos coin denom back to an ERC20 token address, we will be using the LCD’s /minievm/evm/v1/contracts/by_denom?denom={denom} endpoint.

// previous code
async function coinDenomToErc20(denom) {
  const response = await fetch(`${lcdUrl}/minievm/evm/v1/contracts/by_denom?denom=${denom}`);
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

If the denom is a valid Cosmos coin denom, the response just returns the token’s ERC20 token address.


The full code for the script, including the section to actually call the function is as follows:

const lcdUrl = `https://lcd.minievm-2.initia.xyz`;
const erc20Address = "0x5E5f1a92eECA58053E8364630b66763aa6265Ab0"

async function erc20ToCoinDenom(contractAddress) {
  const response = await fetch(`${lcdUrl}/minievm/evm/v1/denoms/${contractAddress}`);
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;
async function coinDenomToErc20(denom) {
  const response = await fetch(`${lcdUrl}/minievm/evm/v1/contracts/by_denom?denom=${denom}`);
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

(async () => {
  const coinDenomResponse = await erc20ToCoinDenom(erc20Address);
  const erc20Response = await coinDenomToErc20(coinDenomResponse.denom);

If we run this script, we should see the following output:
