Creating an Account

Before you can start building and transacting, you’ll need to create an account.

export ACCOUNT_NAME=test-account
initiad keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME

# - address: init17exjfvgtpn5ne4pgmuatjg52mvvtj08773tgfx
# name: test-account
# pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ap+WnRzOsJGgfgsrgc4APi/EiTzl3t52ruiKGev7X9LW"}'
# type: local

# **Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
# It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

# glass easy miracle sign tent anchor position cluster shift calm march elite menu must nose inform antique reason meadow relief layer term crush gesture
The mnemonic key is the only way to recover your account if you forget your password.

If you want to create an EVM account, you can use the following command:

export ETH_KEY_TYPE=eth_secp256k1
export ETH_COIN_TYPE=60

initiad keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME --key-type $ETH_KEY_TYPE --coin-type $ETH_COIN_TYPE

Importing an Account

You can import an account by providing a mnemonic phrase.

initiad keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME --recover
> Enter your bip39 mnemonic
glass easy miracle sign tent anchor position cluster shift calm march elite menu must nose inform antique reason meadow relief layer term crush gesture

# - address: init1x7jl4cx6pq4urdppmnhwtyzfdtn5w7ssw4hjfm
#   name: test-account
#   pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Am9tmvRft+pcol+h/unlMB9gRbKAZF/7Y8K3iWOtr9Dw"}'
#   type: local

To export the account’s private key, run:

initiad keys export $ACCOUNT_NAME > key.json

>Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key:

# key.json
# kdf: argon2
# salt: BE84B59652876BFBEEB0E01CA2AA753C
# type: secp256k1

# edch8EcPYgSQrWHdJlmRMZGmh7gqOLYvAHsynbovXonq2reSeP+eEgtvwNYEnrQu
# 2MZwMIs=
# =ObmR

The exported private key is encrypted with a passphrase. So, you can only import it using initiad CLI. It is not possible to import it directly on Wallet Apps.

To import the account using the exported private key, run:

export NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME=test-account2

initiad keys import $NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME key.json

Retrieving Account Data

You can retrieve account data stored in the keyring.

initiad keys list

# - address: init1x7jl4cx6pq4urdppmnhwtyzfdtn5w7ssw4hjfm
#   name: test-account
#   pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Am9tmvRft+pcol+h/unlMB9gRbKAZF/7Y8K3iWOtr9Dw"}'
#   type: local

Validator Address

If you run a validator node, you can get the validator address by running:

initiad comet show-address

# initvalcons1kknrtmntc39v3z4hgv84hddeclyfsxdgzdtn3q

To get validator consensus public key, run:

initiad comet show-validator

# {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"lusuUL6CKywnZDPul5COzCFKLPLDGEMbLEIZIZlDp44="}