The initiad CLI offers a range of commands for querying data from Initia L1.

This guide walks you through using these commands to retrieve blockchain data.

initiad query command enables you to query data from the blockchain. Each module provides a client-facing query interface.

The general syntax for querying data is:

initiad query [module-name] [query-name] [args] [flags]

Querying Account Balance

After receiving tokens to your address, you can view your account’s balance like:

export ADDRESS=init1x7jl4cx6pq4urdppmnhwtyzfdtn5w7ssw4hjfm
export NODE_URL=

initiad query bank balances $ADDRESS --node $NODE_URL

# - amount: "100000000"
#   denom: uinit

Querying Blocks

You can query a single block by its height or hash using the following command:

export BLOCK_HEIGHT=1000
export BLOCK_HASH=04B7658B40508B290B04C61A0021EB5E9354F1E8C70DF5D6AE2A9B1F0B8D32A3

initiad query block --type=height $BLOCK_HEIGHT --node $NODE_URL
initiad query block --type=hash $BLOCK_HASH --node $NODE_URL

Querying Transactions

You can query a single transaction by its hash using the following command:

export TX_HASH=6DFEE8E4BFC38341E8AADBD74A23588D8DE94FA38052CB5721DDA780A24F8B1D

initiad query tx $TX_HASH --node $NODE_URL

# code: 0
# codespace: ""
# data: 12240A222F696E697469612E6D6F76652E76312E4D736745786563757465526573706F6E7365
# events:
# - attributes:
#   - index: true
#     key: sender
#     value: 0x1,0x512536dfca0b50144483dab26790912ad85b17fe
#     ...

Querying Params

You can query the module parameters using the following command:

initiad query mstaking params --node $NODE_URL

# bond_denoms:
# - uinit
# - move/dbf06c48af3984ec6d9ae8a9aa7dbb0bb1e784aa9b8c4a5681af660cf8558d7d
# - move/a2b0d3c8e53e379ede31f3a361ff02716d50ec53c6b65b8c48a81d5b06548200
# - move/b134ae6786f10ef74294e627d2519b63b7c742a6735f98682929fea9a84744d2
# historical_entries: 10000
# max_entries: 7
# max_validators: 100
# min_commission_rate: "0.000000000000000000"
# min_voting_power: "1000000"
# unbonding_time: 1814400s

initiad query move params --node $NODE_URL

# allowed_publishers: []
# base_denom: uinit
# base_min_gas_price: "0.015000000000000000"
# contract_shared_revenue_ratio: "0.000000000000000000"
# script_enabled: true

Querying Oracle

If node has oracle module enabled, you can query the currency pairs and price using the following commands:

initiad query oracle currency-pairs --node $NODE_URL

# currency_pairs:
# - Base: AAVE
#   Quote: USD
# - Base: ADA
#   Quote: USD
# - Base: AEVO
#   Quote: USD

initiad query oracle price AAVE USD --node $NODE_URL

# decimals: "8"
# id: "19"
# nonce: "1233969"
# price:
#   block_height: "1237222"
#   block_timestamp: "2024-10-30T05:36:59.810774835Z"
#   price: "15143771245"