initiad tx command enables you to modify the chain state by submitting a transaction.

Each modules provides a client-facing transaction interface.

The general syntax for submitting a transaction is:

initiad tx [module-name] [action-name] [args] [flags]

Send Tokens

To send tokens from one account to another, you can use the following command:

export NODE_URL=
export ACCOUNT_NAME=test-account
export RECIPIENT_ADDRESS=init1x7jl4cx6pq4urdppmnhwtyzfdtn5w7ssw4hjfm
export CHAIND_ID=initiation-2

initiad tx bank send $ACCOUNT_NAME $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS 1000uinit \
    --node $NODE_URL \
    --from $ACCOUNT_NAME \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --gas auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.4

Deploy Move module

First, clone the initia-tutorials repository, which contains the read_write module we’ll be using.

git clone

Before building the module, you need to update the module owner’s address to your own address in the Move.toml configuration file located in ./initia-tutorials/move/read_write.

Use the following command to parse your Initia address into bytes format, which is your HEX address.

initiad keys parse init138ntr4czqvrfzz8vvfsmdz0a36u8h6g5ct5cna

# bytes: 89E6B1D70203069108EC6261B689FD8EB87BE914
# human: init

Now, modify the Move.toml file to include your HEX address:

name = "read_write"
version = "0.0.0"

InitiaStdlib = { git = "", subdir = "precompile/modules/initia_stdlib", rev = "main" }

std =  "0x1"
your_address = "0x89E6B1D70203069108EC6261B689FD8EB87BE914"

Build the module using either CLI:

initiad move build --path ./initia-tutorials/move/read_write

Then, publish the module to the Initia blockchain:

initiad move deploy \
  --path ./initia-tutorials/move/read_write \
  --upgrade-policy COMPATIBLE \
  --from $ACCOUNT_NAME \
  --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 \
  --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
  --node $NODE_URL \
  --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

About the upgrade policy:

COMPATIBLEPerforms a compatibility check during upgrades, ensuring no public function changes or resource layout modifications.
IMMUTABLEMarks the modules as immutable, preventing any future upgrades.

To interact with the module, you can use the following command:

export MODULE_ADDRESS=0x89E6B1D70203069108EC6261B689FD8EB87BE914
initiad query move view $MODULE_ADDRESS read_write read \
  --node $NODE_URL

# data: '"initial content"'
# events: []
# gas_used: "1166"

initiad tx move execute $MODULE_ADDRESS read_write write \
  --args '["string:new_string"]' \
  --from $ACCOUNT_NAME \
  --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.15uinit \
  --node $NODE_URL --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
initiad query move view $MODULE_ADDRESS read_write read \
  --node $NODE_URL

# data: '"new_string"'
# events: []
# gas_used: "1150"