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For developers looking to create standard ERC20 tokens on EVM rollups, we recommend using the ERC20Factory contract.


For this tutorial, we will be using Viem to interact with the MiniEVM and ERC20Factory contract. If you do not have Viem installed, follow the installation instructions.

Project Setup

First, we need to create a new directory for our project.

mkdir erc20-factory
cd erc20-factory

Next, we will initialize the project and install the Viem package.

npm init
npm install viem

We then create two directories:

  • src: For our contract source code
  • abis: For our contract ABIs
mkdir src
mkdir abis

Once the two directories are created, we then add the ABI for the ERC20Factory and ERC20 contracts to the abis directory.

Predeployed contract

The ERC20Factory contract is automatically deployed on all MiniEVM rollup as part of the chain’s bootstrapping process

To obtain the address of the factory contract, query {ROLLUP_REST_URL}/minievm/evm/v1/contracts/erc20_factory.

{ROLLUP_REST_URL} refers to the REST endpoint URL of the rollup from which you want to retrieve the address.

For example, you can use the following curl command:

curl -X GET "https://lcd.minievm-2.initia.xyz/minievm/evm/v1/contracts/erc20_factory" -H "accept: application/json"

The address field in the response body will contain the contract address:

  "address": "0xf36924c9C2aD25d73c43F6aC59BB6D06BC944D93"


Creating the Chain Configuration File

To be able to interact with the MiniEVM via Viem, we need to create a chain configuration file. This file will contain various information about the chain, including the chain ID, name, native currency, and RPC URLs.

Let’s create a new file called chain.js in the src directory.

touch src/chain.js

Next, we will add the following code to the file:

const { defineChain } = require('viem');

const miniEVM = defineChain({
  id: 2594729740794688,
  name: 'MiniEVM',
  nativeCurrency: {
    decimals: 18,
    name: 'Gas Token',
    symbol: 'GAS',
  rpcUrls: {
    default: {
      http: ['https://json-rpc.minievm-2.initia.xyz'],

module.exports = miniEVM;

Interacting with the ERC20Factory Contract

Now that we have our chain configuration file, we can start writing the script to interact ERC20Factory contract. We will create a index.js in the src directory.

touch src/index.js

First, we make the necessary imports:

const { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, decodeEventLog, getContract, http } = require('viem');
const { privateKeyToAccount } = require('viem/accounts');
const erc20Abi = require('./abis/erc20Abi.json');
const erc20FactoryAbi = require('./abis/erc20factoryabi.json');
const miniEVM = require('./chain');

We then defined the constant variables

  • privateKey: The private key of the account we will use to interact with the MiniEVM
  • erc20FactoryAddress: The address of the ERC20Factory contract on the MiniEVM

You can find the address of the ERC20Factory contract on the different in the Networks page, or by calling the /minievm/evm/v1/contracts/erc20_factory endpoint of any MiniEVM rollups node.

// imports

const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
const erc20FactoryAddress = process.env.ERC20_FACTORY_ADDRESS;

To be able to interact and call methods to the chain and contract, we then need to create a public client and a wallet client.

// Create a wallet client
const client = createWalletClient({
  chain: miniEVM,
  transport: http(),

// create a public client
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: miniEVM,
  transport: http(),

Finally, we can now create a new ERC20 token using the createERC20 method of the ERC20Factory contract.

// Send the transaction
async function createERC20() {
  try {
    // call createERC20 function on the factory contract to create a new ERC20 token
    const hash = await client.writeContract({
      address: erc20FactoryAddress, // Factory address
      abi: erc20FactoryAbi,
      functionName: 'createERC20',
      args: ['Test', 'TST', 18],
    console.log('Transaction sent. Hash:', hash);

    // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));

    // Get the transaction receipt and parse the logs for the ERC20Created event
    const receipt = await publicClient.getTransactionReceipt({
      hash: hash
    const erc20CreatedLog = receipt.logs.find(log => 
      log.address.toLowerCase() === erc20FactoryAddress.toLowerCase() // Check if the log is from the factory address

    // Check if the ERC20Created event was found in the logs and decode the created ERC20 address
    if (erc20CreatedLog) {
      const decodedLog = decodeEventLog({
        abi: erc20FactoryAbi,
        data: erc20CreatedLog.data,
        topics: erc20CreatedLog.topics,
      console.log('New ERC20 address:', decodedLog.args.erc20);

      // Try reading the new ERC20 contract
      const erc20 = await getContract({
        address: decodedLog.args.erc20,
        abi: erc20Abi,
        client: {
          public: publicClient,
          wallet: client
      console.log('ERC20 name:', await erc20.read.name());
      console.log('ERC20 symbol:', await erc20.read.symbol());
      console.log('ERC20 decimals:', await erc20.read.decimals());
    } else {
      console.log('ERC20Created event not found in the logs');

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending transaction:', error);

The final code for the script is as follows:

const { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, decodeEventLog, getContract, http } = require('viem');
const { privateKeyToAccount } = require('viem/accounts');
const erc20Abi = require('./abis/erc20Abi.json');
const erc20FactoryAbi = require('./abis/erc20factoryabi.json');
const miniEVM = require('./chain');

const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY; // Load from environment variable
const erc20FactoryAddress = process.env.ERC20_FACTORY_ADDRESS; // Load from environment variable

// Create an account from the private key
const account = privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);

// Create a wallet client
const client = createWalletClient({
  chain: miniEVM,
  transport: http(),

// create a public client
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: miniEVM,
  transport: http(),

// Send the transaction
async function createERC20() {
  try {
    // call createERC20 function on the factory contract to create a new ERC20 token
    const hash = await client.writeContract({
      address: erc20FactoryAddress, // Factory address
      abi: erc20FactoryAbi,
      functionName: 'createERC20',
      args: ['Test', 'TST', 18],
    console.log('Transaction sent. Hash:', hash);

    // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));

    // Get the transaction receipt and parse the logs for the ERC20Created event
    const receipt = await publicClient.getTransactionReceipt({
      hash: hash
    const erc20CreatedLog = receipt.logs.find(log => 
      log.address.toLowerCase() === erc20FactoryAddress.toLowerCase() // Check if the log is from the factory address

    // Check if the ERC20Created event was found in the logs and decode the created ERC20 address
    if (erc20CreatedLog) {
      const decodedLog = decodeEventLog({
        abi: erc20FactoryAbi,
        data: erc20CreatedLog.data,
        topics: erc20CreatedLog.topics,
      console.log('New ERC20 address:', decodedLog.args.erc20);

      // Try reading the new ERC20 contract
      const erc20 = await getContract({
        address: decodedLog.args.erc20,
        abi: erc20Abi,
        client: {
          public: publicClient,
          wallet: client
      console.log('ERC20 name:', await erc20.read.name());
      console.log('ERC20 symbol:', await erc20.read.symbol());
      console.log('ERC20 decimals:', await erc20.read.decimals());
    } else {
      console.log('ERC20Created event not found in the logs');

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending transaction:', error);


Running the Script

Finally, we can run the script to create a new ERC20 token.

node src/index.js

If everything went well, you should see an output similar ot the following:

Transaction sent. Hash: 0x58b0b9326e9c877c0b966db112b3df8db710f986ba309345601ac222ddcb4c77
New ERC20 address: 0x9F363EB9649879b1C4993f9Ea9821d48346c3e04
ERC20 name: Test
ERC20 symbol: TST
ERC20 decimals: 18

And that’s it! We have successfully created a new ERC20 token on the MiniEVM.